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Why is Aspect Ratio Important to Video Marketing

First what is Aspect Ratio? And why is it so important!? Well it’s the width and the height of an image or a screen and the  number represents the size of your video at its lowest common denominator. Examples come in different shapes and sizes: 16:9, 4:3, 3:2, 1:1, etc. Today users are viewing your video content on screens oriented or positioned in two ways: horizontal (flat screen TVs and computer monitors or vertical (mobile devices) mainly for social video content. It’s important to…

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Why Interview Eyelines Matter

“Where do I look? Do I look at you, or do I look at the camera, or what?”  After setting up for an interview, our interview subjects often ask us where to aim their line of sight. This is something that may seem trivial in the frenzy to properly stage the other critical elements (light, camera, makeup, background, etc.), but believe it or not, the subject eyeline is often the difference between a successful interview and a poor one. TWO…

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