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Keep It Simple!

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Minutia : Noun; the small, precise, or trivial details of something. Despite how simple it might appear in the concept stage, developing a web site is a long and difficult process. Your company or organization can do incredible things. You want to communicate the limitless possibilities that you can provide to your clients, and you want all of that information to be front and center so that nothing is forgotten or omitted.

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Adaptive & Responsive Web Design, The Future of Websites?

Video Production Company in Baltimore, MD

Recently the buzz in the web design world has been about Responsive Web Design and Adaptive Websites.  It’s the latest and most popular trend in web design / development, and with Google’s latest “endorsement“, it could very well be the preferred future of most sites on the web.   If you haven’t heard of adaptive or responsive web design yet, let us provide you with a brief explanation.

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