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Showcasing Your Product and Services Done Right with 5 Easy Steps

Today’s accessibility to use ad platforms on social media has been revolutionary, but it has also created a lot of noise online. How do you get your work to be seen despite this? 1. Unique and engaging content. Create a piece of content that has a game plan, and gives something to your audience. Remember it’s always better to give than to take, so if you consider your content it will yield more reaction. 2. Choose a platform and build on…

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Why is Aspect Ratio Important to Video Marketing

First what is Aspect Ratio? And why is it so important!? Well it’s the width and the height of an image or a screen and the  number represents the size of your video at its lowest common denominator. Examples come in different shapes and sizes: 16:9, 4:3, 3:2, 1:1, etc. Today users are viewing your video content on screens oriented or positioned in two ways: horizontal (flat screen TVs and computer monitors or vertical (mobile devices) mainly for social video content. It’s important to…

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Businesses Need To Tell Their Story With Video

It’s never been more important for businesses to tell their stories using video. Social Media and powerful mobile devices have changed the way your customers and prospects share and discover your business.  If your business is not currently using video with a strategy that is working toward enabling and empowering your overall business goals and marketing efforts you are missing a huge opportunity.

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Why Use Narration in Your Video Project

Your video’s message needs to be clear, succinct and direct. Your interviewees may not always be as direct as you’d like them to be. Enter VO (Voiceover) Narration, the simplest and most direct means of moving your video content forward. There are many ways that VO Narration benefits a video. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest things that VO Narration can do for your next project!

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The Secret Sauce of Video Advertising

If you’ve ever had to prepare a meal for a large group of people, then you might be familiar with the value of the most-holy ‘secret sauce’; that singular, crafty and reliable blend of spices, jellies or creams that can be added to virtually anything. The ‘secret sauce’ is the surefire way to save a bad dinner or push a good dinner into being a great dinner. It turns straw to gold and rags to riches. It makes your final…

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5 Pro Tips for Using Video in Email

Have you been checking your office email inbox lately? If you’re like me, you probably have a lot of emails from all kinds of online marketers, each of them trying to convince you that their latest service package is going to revolutionize your business strategy. Most of them communicate relatively the same thing in relatively the same way, but more importantly, most of them look exactly the same to the average recipient. Even if what you’re saying is mind-bogglingly important,…

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