Making a great YouTube video isn’t just about the content in the video itself. Video marketing and production involves plenty of other important components that can help you reach your video goals. So, with that in mind, we at Render Perfect Productions wanted to make a post by post guide on how to make a YouTube video. This is step one. Competitor Research The best place to start as you learn how to make a YouTube video is with a…
Earlier this week, we took a look at how to get verified on YouTube. In this post we wanted to explore the ways to improve your YouTube verification chances. The more you follow this handy guide from Render Perfect Productions, the more you increase your odds of getting verified on YouTube. Build a Recognizable Brand If you’ve got 100,000 subscribers, then you’re obviously doing plenty of things right. But even if you haven’t, YouTube has bent the rules a little…
A common mistake made by creators and business owners is to assume that their target audience will come effortlessly over their brand’s YouTube channel if you just focus on creating and publishing more videos. Although a study suggests that 78% of people watch online videos every week, only a tiny fraction might be interested in what you sell or provide. So, reaching the right audience is key and Render Perfect Productions is here to help. If that is the case, channel your energy…
Now over 15 years old, YouTube has well and truly come of age. Shrugging off those awkward early years of Leave Britney Alone and Charlie Bit My Finger, Google’s video-sharing juggernaut has matured into a self-assured teenager boasting more than a billion users (nearly a third of the internet!) who devour a billion hours of video daily. In grabbing a slice of that PewDiePie, verifying your channel is the holy grail. If you were wondering how to get verified on YouTube, we’ve got…
An estimated 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Getting noticed amongst all that footage is tricky. Which is why you’ll need to be highly creative to make your business stand out. Help is at hand, however, with Render Perfect Productions as we look at some of the top YouTube video ideas for businesses that want to be seen on the world’s second largest social media platform. Behind the Scenes Giving your viewers a sneak preview of how your…
Your social media imagery is like the cover of your book. In this article, we lay out all the banner size and dimension information you need to create a YouTube banner that gets people excited about your channel! So, let’s look at our YouTube banner size guide in 2022 from Render Perfect Productions. Picture the last time you were perusing shelves at your local bookstore. Was there a book that grabbed your attention? Perhaps that initial visual interest led you…
If gaining popularity on YouTube is a mystery to you, then you’re in the right place! When we look at the most-viewed channels and videos on YouTube, it’s easy to put their fortune down to the fact that the channel is already well-known and has lots of subscribers. But every single YouTube user started with 0 views and 0 subscribers. Every single one. So how can one video about [enter any subject here!] accumulate millions of views, while another video about the same subject…