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If you are a business owner or even a solopreneur in the world today, you’ve more than likely heard the term promo video before. However, even though the term is out there, do you know what a promo video really is? Have you thought about how to create the perfect promo video? Well, at Render Perfect Productions, the video production experts in Towson, Maryland, we are here to walk you through the steps of an amazing promo video today.

What is a Promo Video?

A promotional or promo video is a vide that will be used to promote a specific marketing initiative, sale, or event. Promos are often similar in style and tone to a teaser video, where you grab your audience’s attention and draw them in to learn more.

In the end, you aren’t trying to sell a particular product like you are in a product video, or promoting your brand, like you would with a brand video. Instead, the goal is to draw a viewer in to find out more, sort of like what a teaser trailer does for a movie.

When Should I use a Promo Video?

Promo videos are great for attracting new visitors by building awareness online for upcoming events and promotions. If your viewers are new to your brand, a promo video can introduce them to your company by piquing their interest with your current promotion.

You can also engage current and recurring visitors by drawing them back in and giving them another reason to consider doing business with your company.

What Makes a Good Promo Video?

A promo video may sound simple, but there are a few key elements that you never want to leave out when crafting one of your own.

  • Think like a teaser. The goal of your promo isn’t to take a thorough analysis into your product or services. It is something quick and attention grabbing to highlight a promotion or event, so use fast cuts in your edit, as well as catchy sound bites, music, or titles.
  • Stay Focused. If you’re promoting an event, keep the video all about the event details. What will guest’s experience? Who will be there? When is it happening?
  • Don’t overlook graphics. You’re going to want to a do a visual call to action. Whether that means a discount code for a percent off or just some eye-catching graphic titles. Use these to help the viewer focus on what you want them to really remember.
  • Create multiple versions for social. You’re going to want to get the maximum mileage out of your video, especially when you don’t have a lot of time to promote something. Have different edits on your social media feeds, so they all aren’t sharing the same exact thing.
  • You can use promos for your business. Don’t feel like you have to have a deal to make a promo video. You can use on to just tease an aspect of your business the same way you would for a timed event or promotion.

About Render Perfect Productions:

Render Perfect has been built from the ground up to service growing businesses and help them realize their full visual storytelling and digital marketing potential. We’ve created a service offering and skill-set that spans video production, post-production, motion graphic design, 3D animation, web development, and video marketing strategy. Our insight and experience allow us to help clients make better planning decisions and get more out of their video production effort.

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