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Our client, Ventev Mobile, wanted to use the latest Samsung devices, the Galaxy Note 4 and Note Edge, in their most recent video. However, these devices were so new that no one had yet taken the time to illustrate them.

In the ever-expanding and interactive world of web design and motion graphics, sometimes a client will ask you to use specific devices in the design. Device mockup(s) can save you hours upon hours of work. One of the first steps that our own designer takes when starting work on an animation project is to seek existing mockups, templates and/or models of objects that might expedite the process. Sometimes, however, those templates are not available, and he will then need to create the object from scratch using the tools available to him.

At Render Perfect, our overall mission is to make our clients’ and peers’ lives that much easier through the many different services that we offer. That’s why we’ve decided to make our latest custom-built mobile device mockups available for FREE, right here on our blog!  In the event that you find a need for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 or the Samsung Note Edge in your own design, you can save yourself time by using the mockups we’ve already created, or even edit them to match the style of your design!

Here are the download links:

Samsung Galaxy Note (Direct Download)

Samsung Galaxy Note (Direct Download)

For more tips, tricks, and templates from Render Perfect Productions, visit us at, like or follow us on social media, or subscribe to our blog by filling out the form below. Happy Designing!