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 The Question: What do NFL’s Justin Tucker, graduate job placement, and Render Perfect all have in common?

The Answer: Two words….University Recruiters.

This month at Render Perfect Productions, our team had both the honor and the privilege of working with new and rising company, University Recruiters, for their TV spot featuring Pro-Bowl Kicker Justin Tucker (#9, Baltimore Ravens) as their spokesperson.

Jeff Martin, CEO, contacted Render Perfect on behalf of his newly-developed company, University Recruiters, a recruiting and job placement firm that assists college graduates in moving quickly and efficiently into jobs that accelerate their careers, as well as accommodate their personal goals.  We were excited to help Jeff create a broadcast commercial that would both “look cool” and present his spokesperson, Justin Tucker, in an authentic manner befitting one of the NFL’s most interesting and talented young players.

This project required a tight, one-week turnaround in order to be launched on the following weeks’ Monday Night Football broadcast. This urgent need for quality video production and rapid post production, as well as the need for a website with a tightly integrated brand look and style, are exactly the type of needs that Render Perfect was designed from the ground up to meet.  We met on the Towson University stadium field on a beautiful Monday morning, armed with a MōVI M5 Stabilization system, and the desire to make something incredible.  With the help of Justin Tucker, who truly brought his own style and creative flare to the process, we were able to capture all of the footage that we needed in just under an hour. Five days later, our piece was edited, color-corrected, dressed with motion graphics and delivered to Comcast in time for Monday Night Football.  We worked on the website during the same timeframe, and delivered it on the Monday morning of the live airing. If you missed the spot during its broadcast airing, you can check it out below!



The spot and the website alike have been well-received. Render Perfect is proud to have delivered such a quick turnaround on a quality product, and to have benefited a great cause.  We had a blast working with Justin Tucker, and building a relationship with Jeff and the UR team. We’re currently working to add more video and web content to the University Recruiters website, and we look forward to working with University Recruiters as an ongoing creative partner as time goes on.

…This is a perfect example of exactly what Render Perfect does. With less than an hour of shooting time and less than a week of post-production time, we were able to turn a fantastic product around in time for broadcast, and settle that same product neatly within a sleek new custom website. If you have an organization, a story, or even a simple idea that you feel deserves the same treatment, we’re eagerly awaiting to hear from you!

Call us at 410-853-7892 or email us at to get your project started.