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Neil Sedaka was right: Breaking up is hard to do.

Since we started our company Twitter account about a year ago we’ve had the same discussion in the board room about once every month.

The conversation is one I like to call the Person vs Entity debate. It involves questions like:

• What’s the most successful way to represent corporate culture on Twitter?

• What remains off-message and personal to the employees of the company?

and classics like: 

• What crosses over? (or more importantly: What absolutely does not?)

Starting today we’re changing how we do things on Twitter. The @RenderPerfect account which has been maintained by Nikc Miller of Render Perfect will now become a bulletin board of things that are important to the company as a whole:

•Innovative video news

•Amazing stories about the success of our clients

•Updates of new blog posts

•New product updates

Our additional employee Twitter accounts will feature more personal interactions, introspection and promotion of the things that we think are cool about video, marketing or anything (music, film, news etc.)

To use the once laughable but now uber-cool Venn Diagram approach:

Obviously, we think about this stuff alot. So tell us, what ways has your company found success in using Twitter?

By the way, we’d like to express a HUGE THANK YOU to all the people who have checked out this blog, our YouTube e-book, and our Twitter profile. We’ve had a great time sharing info back and forth with you. It only gets better from here!


Follow @RenderPerfect to follow Render Perfect the company.

Follow @ryanspin to follow Ryan Spindler, President/Creative Director of Render Perfect

Follow @nikc_render to follow Nikc Miller, After Effects Artist at Render Perfect