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Should Heat Surge (The Amish Fireplace) be upset that I made a video spoofing their brand?

Just a few hours after posting a link to the video and sending it out to several friends, I received a message from them via Twitter:

After further research, I saw that my friend Charlie Hoehn received a similar message from Heat Surge after posting the link to my video:

The spoof is all in good fun. It exploits a fairly obvious hole in Heat Surge’s brand (I mean how far are these gentle people allowed to go?)  But it’s hard to tell if they were overjoyed or upset with the video.  Since infomercial spoofs are all the rage right now, it seems that brands like Heat Surge, Snuggie, Shamwow, or anything else infomercial-esque would sort of embrace this form of light-hearted mockery.

One thing is for sure, Heat Surge did a marvelous job of moderating the conversation.  They responded to my post just hours after it went up.  I got to interact with them further and was amazed that through conversation they transformed a mocking jab into an awesome testimonial:

And that’s just fine with me. Afterall, I proudly own a Heat Surge. I am happy to endorse this amazing product!


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