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A few weeks ago we launched our new mini-ebook Produce, Post, Promote: Ten YouTube Tips For 2010 to our email list (you can get it here).  The book has been very well received and was downloaded by all types of people, ranging from business owners to bloggers.

A lot of people have already asked something to this effect:

Why would a video production company want to give away their own pro web-video tips to any person that signs up?

The answer is simple: We give this advice to our friends all of the time. After typing up yet another email regarding how to properly tag a video, we thought: it’s time to (finally) write a guide!

The 13-page book contains tips on:

  • Planning an effective video campaign
  • Properly tagging videos for maximum exposure
  • Gaining new audiences with your video
  • Using your current marketing efforts to gain more views
  • And More (for real)

I’m always scouring the web for info so I know there’s a lot of FREE crap out there, so to prove that this little guide has a lot of value, here’s Tip 11 (the one that didn’t make it in the book):

Create A Click-Through Ad To Your Website For (Almost) Free:Alot of people immediately write off the Promoted Videos option that YouTube offers. If you aren’t aware, Promoted Videos works like Google AdWords. You can pick keywords and offer a pay-per-click price for each time someone clicks on your video for those words. If you are not interested in pay-per-click, you may have never experimented with this option. However, YouTube offers a big incentive for using Promoted Videos: A Clickable Call-To-Action Overlay. This option gives you the power to place your very own ad on your video that clicks through directly to your site. The best part is that if you are not really interested in paying-per-click you can bid ultra-low on a super popular keyword. The result: You pay next-to-nothing because your video gets zero-to-low impressions, and you come out with an effective click-through advertisment for your video.Check out this example!

You can get the full-version of Produce, Post, Promote: Ten YouTube Tips For 2010 here. Did we forget to mention that it was free?