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Now over 15 years old, YouTube has well and truly come of age. Shrugging off those awkward early years of Leave Britney Alone and Charlie Bit My Finger, Google’s video-sharing juggernaut has matured into a self-assured teenager boasting more than a billion users (nearly a third of the internet!) who devour a billion hours of video daily. In grabbing a slice of that PewDiePie, verifying your channel is the holy grail. If you were wondering how to get verified on YouTube, we’ve got some pointers. So, with the help of Render Perfect Productions, let’s showcase how to get your brand verified on YouTube in 2022.

What is Verification?

Can you name the founders of YouTube? Unless you’re an avid tech trivia fan, we’re guessing not. In fact, it was three former PayPal employees – Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim – who were the brains behind what is now the world’s second biggest social media site. It wasn’t until a year and a half after YouTube’s launch in 2005, and an explosion in popularity, that Google bought up the business for a cool $1.65 billion.

Of course, YouTube’s founding fathers have got plenty of reasons not to care about their relative anonymity. But we think it’s a shame. All that hard work for minimal recognition. Which, if you’ve been regularly uploading world-beating content to your channel and diligently building a following, is a situation you might be familiar with. In which case, you deserve more credit too.

This is where YouTube verification comes in. Not the straightforward kind that you get when setting up your account. We’re talking about that little gray tick box next to your channel’s name that tells the world you’re legit. It’s a badge of honor to gain one of these notoriously exclusive check symbols because they serve as a literal mark of approval from YouTube. It shows that your channel is an authenticated brand deemed worthy of the vlogosphere’s attention.

Achieving YouTube verification doesn’t grant access to favorable treatment, but it gives you with a lot of social proof. We’re talking jacked up credibility here. Consider that little gray box the online equivalent of the little black book – it opens doors to a wider network of viewers who may not have heard of your brand but will give it a look if YouTube deems you worthwhile. As well as enhancing your brand’s reputation, verification can protect it, too. Your audience can sidestep any imposters looking to cash in on your content.

On paper, the eligibility requirements seem simple (though far from easy): gain 100,000 subscribers and submit a request to YouTube. If that was all it took, then chances are you wouldn’t be reading this blog now though, would you?! YouTube’s powers that be, and their trusty algorithms, ultimately have the final say over who’s in and who’s not.

There are a few things you can do to improve your chances, though.

Steps to Getting Verified

Okay, so you’ve amassed those all-important 100,000 subscribers – congratulations! If you’re now wondering how to get verified on YouTube, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply and what extra measures you’ll need to take in order to gain YouTube’s approval.

Visit Google Support

Just click on the following link:, or copy and paste it directly into your browser.

Click Contact Flow

If you have the prerequisite number of followers, you’ll find a link to Google’s ‘contact flow’ in a gray box within the eligibility criteria section. If you don’t have those 100k followers, it won’t work yet.

Choose Email Support

The ‘Contact flow’ link leads you to a page where you can opt to ‘Email support.’

Fill in the Form

Fill in the form and be sure to answer ‘yes’ to the question: ‘Is this a request for a verification badge?’

Submit and Wait

Now it’s a simple waiting game! YouTube should put you out of your misery within 24 hours. By which time your check symbol may or may not appear.

About Render Perfect Productions:

Render Perfect has been built from the ground up to service growing businesses and help them realize their full visual storytelling and digital marketing potential. We’ve created a service offering and skill-set that spans video production, post-production, motion graphic design, 3D animation, web development, and video marketing strategy. Our insight and experience allow us to help clients make better planning decisions and get more out of their video production effort.