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In today’s political landscape, if you’re not using video marketing, you won’t reach as many voters as possible. And it’s not just that everyone else is doing it, it’s that campaign videos are tangibly valuable. From Render Perfect Productions, here are a few of the major benefits of video marketing for politicians.

Video Content Extends to Multiple Channels

Whether it’s a traditional television ad, a viral snippet on social media, or a geo-targeted pre-roll video ad, campaign video content can reach large groups of people wherever they spend their time online.

Depending on your promotion strategy, you can target specific voter factions specifically, by age, location, party preference, and beyond.

Cable television ads still dominate political advertising, making up 66% of all political ad spending in the U.S.

While the number of households that have TV is likely to decrease in favor of streaming services, 65% of Americans still subscribe to it. Even with the uptick in online video consumption, targeting for TV ads is advancing rapidly, making it a worthwhile expense for campaigns.

Despite the growing controversy around political advertising on social media, especially on Facebook, political campaigns are still spending record-breaking amounts on social media. In 2020, Facebook’s political ad revenues have grown by 123% (eMarketer).

Research also shows that voters specifically seek video information about political issues.

A report from Think with Google shows that in the 2016 Presidential Election, watch time on YouTube videos about the Iowa Caucuses went way up right around the time that they occurred.

Campaign videos also can be promoted using pre-roll advertising, OTT (over-the-top), and CTV (connected tv), which are different digital video advertising.

Pre-roll advertising is when your video plays before the video that the user selects, such as on YouTube.

Given that 73% of U.S. adults use YouTube, there’s vast potential to reach them with pre-roll ads there, let alone on other video platforms.

OTT and CTV are options for video advertising with streaming services, either besides your cable package, or standalone online video streaming services. Users of these services are proliferating, with 62% of U.S. adults subscribing to them.

Video is Easy to Understand

You may have heard the statistic that 72% of customers would prefer to learn about a product or service through a video. And this preference makes sense since viewers are much more likely to keep the message if they view it in a video format, rather than reading text.

Watching video is a better use of time and money for both the consumer and the producer.

Political campaigns should lean into this preference. Whether your campaign is sharing a complicated policy stance or a simple story about why your candidate is the best, you want people to understand your message and remember it.

You’ll build a coalition more quickly and efficiently with a short video than with a long, wordy policy proposal.

Campaign Videos are Efficient and Adaptable

There are many videos your campaign can create, and many channels to publish them on.

This means that no matter your budget, or the size and scope of your campaign, you can create a meaningful video to boost your chances of election.

Everything from a no-cost live-streamed selfie video to a highly produced TV ad counts during election season. People respond to the authenticity of the former medium, and the interesting storytelling in the latter.

About Render Perfect Productions:

Render Perfect has been built from the ground up to service growing businesses and help them realize their full visual storytelling and digital marketing potential. We’ve created a service offering and skill-set that spans video production, post-production, motion graphic design, 3D animation, web development, and video marketing strategy. Our insight and experience allow us to help clients make better planning decisions and get more out of their video production effort.