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With producing video for clients or attempting to get your first job in the video industry, there are always some great tips to make a lasting impression. Each interaction is a new chance to make your mark and help you stand out from the crowd. With Render Perfect Productions, your video marketing experts in Baltimore, Maryland, we can take a look at some ways for you to make a positive impression every time.

Be Present Always

We often underestimate how important being present is when we meet someone. Make eye contact, have your body fully facing them and even lean in. Smile when they say something interesting. Ask them thoughtful questions that show you care and are curious and that you were listening to what they said—not that you had a packaged question ready as a follow-up. Offer to help them.

Be Yourself

Everyone has been lied to and taken advantage of in their lives. We are so aware these days that almost everyone can spot a liar or someone who wants to take advantage of them. We may not see it consciously, so it’s that intuition or little voice in our heads that says, “Run the other way.” Leaving a good first impression is as easy as treating people with honesty and respect.

Always Add Value

People rarely think about how they can add value to the person they are meeting. To stand out, when you receive someone’s business card, don’t just throw it into your pocket—hold on to it during the conversation and write on the back of it one way that you intend to follow up. This shows you are engaged in helping them out, leaving them with a great first impression.

Great Introductions

One of the most effective ways to build a relationship with someone is to help them connect with someone that can help them in their business or personal life. Spend some time finding out what challenges they’re facing, whether that’s recruiting, fundraising or sales. See if you can introduce them to someone in your network. Most of the time, this not only helps them but also the person you introduce them to.


When meeting someone for the first time, I like to ask questions until we find a mutual topic or interest we have in common. Figuring out what you have in common makes for a pleasant and memorable first meeting, and gives you something to start the conversation the next time you meet.

Remember Names

People value being remembered. If at the end of your first conversation with a person, you repeat their name to them while complimenting the conversation and asking for a chance to speak to them again, they will feel valued and appreciated. When you remember someone’s name, it shows your respect for them as well as your interest in the things they had to say.

About Render Perfect Productions:

Render Perfect has been built from the ground up to service growing businesses and help them realize their full visual storytelling and digital marketing potential. We’ve created a service offering and skill-set that spans video production, post-production, motion graphic design, 3D animation, web development, and video marketing strategy. Our insight and experience allow us to help clients make better planning decisions and get more out of their video production effort.