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About Us

You may already be aware of the value of video in your own sales and marketing techniques. However, do you have an About Us video? If you don’t, then this should be something next in your marketing pipeline. With Render Perfect Productions, your video marketing partner, we can take a closer look at why you need an About Us video.

Having an About Us video will really give the opportunity to showcase your company’s true colors in the best way possible. You can make it humorous, dramatic, historical…as long as you have the fundamentals in place you can craft it any way you’d like to.

An effective video will not only convey a strong message about your brand, it will also help to boost your SEO, help hire the right candidates, and help your staff better understand the company’s core values.

Why does your brand need an About Us video?

1.) Optimizing your marketing strategy

Fact of the day – the ‘About Us’ page is the second most popular page on a website after the home page. Whatever initiated that visit to your website, you need to take the opportunity to give your visitors a deeper understanding of who you are.

By way of introduction, why not have a loyal client or partner open the video with a great testimonial? They can explain what made them choose you or your product, and talk about their experience. The message holds greater trust because of its authenticity.

Video is and always will be a powerful tool that can create an engaging connection, and keeping visitors engaged longer on your site will help in your SEO ranking.

2.) To Recruit the Right People

Is your company expanding? If you are hiring for more staff then the first place possible recruits will want to look is on your website, taking special care to read through your ‘About Us’ section. A video will give applicants real insight into your company culture, as well as who you are.

A ‘Company Culture’ video will reveal much more to a prospective applicant than any lengthy text possible can. It will also allow them to reflect on whether they are a good fit for your company too. Ultimately, you want prospective/current employees to feel at home, be excited to work in your company, and add to your company culture.

As another bonus include staff in your video, it can make your employees feel valued, and give prospective applicants an idea of your company’s diversity and demographics.

Of course having a ‘recruitment video’ separate is always a good idea, but more on that in a future post.

3.) Employee Adherence

Videos are always highly effective for training and educating your partners or employees. Second fact – people remember only 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see but 50% of what they see and hear.

Having current associates watch the video and new hires view it as part of their initial training will ensure that staff better understands your company’s values and missions.

Educating them, as well as your associates, is fundamental to reinforce your brand.

What makes for a great ‘About Us’ video?

1.) Introduce yourself and your company

Nobody will ever enjoy buying goods from total strangers, so on an About Us video you should establish a trusting relationship between your brand and your consumers.

Make sure to introduce yourself (by name, especially for a family business) and explain who you are along with your role in the company.

2.) Introduce your service/product

It is important to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Why would people buy from me?
  • What added value do I offer?
  • What makes me stand out from my competitors?

You want to briefly introduce your activity, highlighting only your major competitive advantages, or unique selling points. Take time to think about it and try to pur yourself in your clients’ shoes.

3.) Why does your company exist in the first place?

Have you ever taken the time to watch crowdfunding videos? The most successful examples not only tell a great story, but it’s the people’s passion that really shines through.

You want to explain the reasons you went into that industry, or why you decided to develop that particular product. Some examples could include:

  • To fill a gap in the market
  • To solve a problem
  • To improve everyday life
  • To save time, money, etc.

Please note that you should only ever mention one product or service per video, to ensure you’re targeting the exact audience for that particular product or service.

About Render Perfect Productions:

Render Perfect has been built from the ground up to service growing businesses and help them realize their full visual storytelling and digital marketing potential.  We’ve created a service offering and skill-set that spans video production, post-production, motion graphic design, 3D animation, web development, and video marketing strategy.   Our insight and experience allow us to help clients make better planning decisions and get more out of their video production effort.